Frequently asked questions

Illness, damage and claims

I need hospitalisation or need to receive medical treatment. What should I do?
I want to report a claim, what should I do?
Am I insured for repatriation by charter air ambulance for skiing-related injuries (‘gipsvlucht’)?

Premium payment

When do I have to pay the premium for the insurance?
Will I get the Dutch healthcare allowance (zorgtoeslag) if I take out the OOM Living Abroad health insurance?

Alteration or termination

Can I terminate my insurance earlier?
Can I include my new-born baby on my insurance?
Can I also insure my foreign partner and child or children?

Other questions

I am going abroad. Do I have to retain my Dutch national health insurance?
Are sports and extreme sports also covered?
Am I insured if something happens to me during work?
I am returning to the Netherlands for a short time, will I still be covered?
Can I take out OOM Dental Cover or the package insurance separately?
What is the difference with the OOM Temporary Residence Abroad Insurance?
What is medical acceptance?