
This is how we handle your complaint

We do our best to keep our customers satisfied. Despite this, you may still have a complaint regarding our services or products. If this is the case, please let us know. Your complaint can help us improve our services.

Registering complaints

If you are not satisfied with something, please call us. If a solution cannot be reached by phone, you can also send your complaint to us by post, email or via My OOM. The department handling your insurance will then take care of your complaint. We register all complaints.

How to report your complaint

OOM Verzekeringen
PO Box 3036
2280 GA Rijswijk
The Netherlands

Necessary details

To resolve your complaint, we need the following details:

  • Your contact details (address, phone, email address)
  • Your policy number
  • A description of your complaint

If you have any additional information that could us give a better picture of your complaint, please send a copy of that information.

When will you receive an answer?

You will always receive a message from us within 10 working days. In most cases, you will then know the status of your complaint. Occasionally, we need more time to resolve your complaint. We will always inform you within 10 working days how much time we expect to need to provide an answer.

If we cannot resolve your complaint

For complaints about our Health or SOS insurance forms.

For all other complaints regarding our Health or SOS insurance.

For complaints about our private individual non-life insurance.

If you do not want to, or cannot go to a complaints organisation.