OOM Temporary Residence Abroad Insurance has a flexible duration from 1 day to a maximum of 2 years.
If your stay abroad is longer than you expected, you can extend the insurance once by a maximum of 2 months, providing you are not insured for more than 2 years. If you do not know exactly how long you will be away, then it will be better to take out the insurance for a longer period. Because you can cancel the insurance daily. This avoids the risk of forgetting to renew your insurance and not being insured when you need to be.
If you already know that you will be staying abroad for more than 2 years, OOM Living Abroad Insurance would suit you better.
When you return to the Netherlands permanently, your healthcare costs will again be covered by mandatory Dutch national health insurance. Please let us know the date on which you plan to return, so that we can terminate your insurance.
What happens if you do not need the insurance anymore?
If you no longer need the Temporary Residence Abroad Insurance, you can simply cancel it via your personal My OOM account. We will terminate your insurance when we receive your request, or at a later date stated by you.
We will refund any premiums you have paid in advance.