Payment protocol OOM Verzekeringen

It can sometimes be that you are temporarily unable to pay your premium. Or that the balance in your account is insufficient to honour the direct debit. If you are struggling to pay your premium on time, contact us. We will be happy to look for a solution together, for example a payment plan.

Payment reminders

Of course, you want to be properly insured. That is why it is important that you pay the premium for your insurance on time. If you do not pay the premium for your insurance on time, this may affect your insurance cover. You can read more about the consequences below. 

Failure to pay the starting premium
You will receive the first invoice from us when your insurance takes effect. You then have 30 days to pay it. If you pay within 30 days, your insurance will start from the date you applied for cover. If you do not pay the starting premium, the first premium when you take out your insurance, on time, we will send a reminder and one final late payment reminder. If you do not pay the premium after the final late payment reminder, your insurance will cease from the start date. You will then not be insured for any damages you have incurred during that period or incur subsequently. 

Failure to pay the subsequent premiums
If you fail to pay subsequent premiums (monthly, quarterly or annual premiums), you will first receive a payment reminder. If you pay the premium within 15 days of receiving the payment reminder, there will be no further consequences for your insurance cover. 

If you have not paid the premium after this period, we will send you a late payment reminder. Pay this as soon as possible, but no later than 15 days after receiving the reminder. This will avoid consequences for your insurance cover. From the second late payment reminder, your insurance cover will be temporarily stopped. Any costs you incur during this period that would normally be covered by the insurance will not be reimbursed. Not even if you pay the premium at a later date. The cover will not restart until the day after we receive your payment. In the case of long-standing arrears, we may terminate the insurance, but you will still owe the outstanding premium.

Help with payment problems

We understand that it can sometimes be difficult to pay your premium on time, and we would like to help you if this is the case. Please contact us and maybe we can arrange a payment plan. If you are in debt relief with a Dutch municipality, let us know, so that we can look for appropriate solutions together.

Debt recovery by a debt collection agency

After three late payment reminders, we will engage the services of a debt collection agency to collect the outstanding premium. This is something we would prefer to avoid, as it means you will face additional costs. The costs are a minimum of €40. Contact us if you have problems paying your premium. This way, you can avoid these extra costs.

Internal registration

In the case of payment arrears, we may register this internally. This registration helps us keep track of your payment history, but it may also affect your ability to take out new insurance with us in the future. It may also affect the handling of claims. 

If you have any questions about payments, contact us.