Whoever lives and works in the Netherlands nearly always has to take out the mandatory Dutch national health insurance. This insurance covers the costs of standard care such as general practitioner, hospital or chemist. You can take out the Dutch national health insurance with one of the Dutch health insurers.
What does OOM Verzekeringen offer?
OOM Verzekeringen does not offer Dutch national health insurance. Our insurance offers a solution for those who are not eligible, or not yet eligible, for the Dutch national health insurance.
Acceptance obligation
If you have to take out Dutch national health insurance, the health insurer is not permitted to refuse you because of your age or health. The Dutch authorities determine which care is covered by the Dutch national health insurance. The amount of premium differs per insurer.
Children up to 18 years are included on the Dutch national health insurance of one of the parents, free of charge. No own risk excess applies to children.
Own risk excess and personal contribution
The Dutch national health insurance has a mandatory own risk excess. The own risk excess does not apply to the doctor. You may also have to pay a personal contribution, for example for some medicines or maternity care.
Dutch healthcare allowance
You may be able to apply for Dutch healthcare allowance, a contribution to the costs of Dutch national health insurance. OOM Verzekeringen does not offer Dutch national health insurance; you will therefore not receive any Dutch healthcare allowance if you take out insurance with us.
Supplementary insurance
You can take out supplementary insurance with the health insurer for care which is not covered by the Dutch national health insurance. For example, physiotherapy, alternative medicine and the dentist. Supplementary insurance is not mandatory. The health insurer may refuse to grant you supplementary insurance.